Jewellery design short cours, Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk, Denmark[2017]

Jewellery design short courses, Engelsholm højskole, Denmark[2016,2014]

Silversmithing, short courses, Umeå, Gothenburg [2013-2014]

Lighting design, Jönköping university [2009-2011]

Gerlesborgs art school, Bohuslän [2007-2008]

Art science, 30hp, Umeå university [2007]

Art gymnasium, Boden [2003-2006]

Art exchange short courses, Sunderbyns folkhögskola/Apatity, Russia [2003-2005]


My expression varies constantly, depending on season, location and mood. I'm a restless soul and my biggest fear is to be stuck in a category and not be able to get out of there. Therefore I am working with several artistic expressions such as jewellery design, ink drawing and pure painting. I can not say that this or that is closest to me. I need variety for the inspiration to remain. The practical craftsmanship found in jewellery design is a nice balance to the more free creation of my drawings and paintings.

My pictures often arise from photo material, mixed up with my own imagination. A face can speak to me and I build a story from that. The last years the wildlife has been close to me, since I moved to a house near the forest. In the beginning I felt unsecure, and maybe a bit scared, for what was out there. But as time went on and the more images that arose, it feels more and more like a protection to be so close to nature.

Nature is reliable, robust and the complete opposite to the pulse and variability of the city. But in the same way that I have to vary my expression I need to vary the environment. Both the city and the country are in my life.

In ink sketching I need to really concentrate to work out details and small patterns. In jewellery design you need the same concentration. It is the small details that requires great focus. In that way the expressions are quite similar.

Concentration and focus is something often missed in today's society. We do several things at once and we can always be reached and contacted. It is no longer unpolite to disturb anyone. But if you want to find the right path in a creative process, isolation is sometimes necessary.

To be allowed to continue on my path all the way without anyone interrupting. That's what I want to achieve with my artistic work.


Din skog, 2023

Norra skogsägarna, 2020

Interwiew in Bil o bostad, 2019

Interwiew in Västerbottningen, 2019

Interwiew at the blog Craftspace, 2019 

Interwiew in Folkbladet, 2018

Sköna hem, 2018

Allt om trädgård, 2018

101 nya idéer, 2018

Blog Kurbits, 2017

Article in Sundsvalls Tidning about my exhibition at Galleri Granen:

Interwiew in Västerbottens kuriren about my exhibition at KällbergElmberg,2016




Bothnia Salongen Västerbottens museum



Jokkmokks marknad


Formex Design talents

Black raven gallery

3 Days of design


Bothnia Salong Norrbotten och Västerbotten

Formex Design Talents



Smyckeutställning Umedalens bibliotek

Konst i kvarn, Vindeln

Vårsalongen Nordmaling

Konstinstallation i samband med MSOS release,Galleri Verkligheten, Umeå

Holmsunds bibliotek


Obbola bibliotek

Julutställning gamla mejeriet Röbäck

Umeå stadsbibliotek ,Kulturhuset Väven

Galleri Granen, Sundsvall

Husets första festival, KF Huset, Klöse


Konsten i det gröna, Forslunda trädgård, Umeå

Vänsterpartiets första maj-firande, Boden 

L´atelier Bletterie, La Rochelle, France


Group exhibition with Marika Väremo, Sockerbruket Majorna, Göteborg

Lighting mock-up, Nossan ljusfestival, Grästorp


Group exhibition with my parents, Marianne Mettävainio-Nilsson och Stefan Nilsson, Bodens konstgille